To share our life

This year’s Comboni Missionaries’ Summer Camp was held at St Joseph’s Parish- Roehampton, a parish run by Comboni Fathers. The camp welcomed young people of ages 18-35 from all over Europe.

Youths from countries like Italy, Portugal, Poland and the host country UK were present at this years’ summer camp. They come together to explore and share among themselves their very own life experiences, and I am delighted to have been one of those who attended the camp. I did not have any serious expectations when I decided to attend the camp, but staying through and engaging in the various activities heightened my expectations. In fact, engaging and working with youths from different cultures brought a whole new way of looking at life. A practical example is, though most of the young people from other countries present there spoke little or no English, we were still able to communicate and share our life experience at a human level. This thought me that although we are different and act differently in the way do things, when we come together our differences tarnish away and all we are left with is that oneness which is central to us all. So, I should say by attending the camp, I have been able to develop and improve my intercultural communication and relation skills better than normal in the light of Christ who ask us to be one in him. 

Not to forget the most significant aspect of the camp, knowing where I am with God. Through the camp, we had the opportunity to search in ourselves where God is in our lives, where God is calling us to serve him in our own lives. This was an ideal that was emphasised all through the numerous workshops we had, the liturgy and even the services we were opportune to offer in the various soup kitchens.  As part of the camp, we were lucky to have had the opportunity to serve the homeless poor and victims of human trafficking. This created and awareness in me of the difficulties and pains experienced by my fellow pilgrims, and what I can do in my own little way to assist and alleviate their struggles. 

Overall, I owe all my appreciation to all the organisers of the camp, those who coordinated all the activities and in the camp and most of all, my greatest gratitude to God almighty who made it a possibility for me to attend the 2017 Summer Camp.    

So, fellow young pilgrims out there, are you looking to start a new life, are you searching for the will of God in your life? The Comboni Missionary Youth Camp will be the perfect event for you to enrich your life experiences. Why not come and experience something new, open your horizon, meet other young pilgrims from different cultures and share your own cultural experiences with them. Come and be inspired by those who are seeking to follow Jesus.
John  Lazarist

WHY Not? This can be for you

Any Questions? Keep in touch!

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Father Melaku Tafesse Amente