Our Father in Heaven

Our Father in heaven, holy is your name. 

We thank you for the gift of life,

which is renewed every moment with your beauty.

Your mercy, God, confirms your love.

In your hands are our destiny and our life.

All-powerful and merciful God, we pray for the future of Peru,

for the poor who often go hungry,

for the victims of disasters.

Provide them with all they need from you,

with all they require of you.

For the salvation of our souls through the death of your Son,

we thank you,

but we pray for those who are left out,

who do not have a relation with you,

who do not even know of your existence.

Lord, no longer allow human evil to go forward.

Keep corruption, which often touches the life of churches,

from proliferating.

We especially pray for the authorities of Peru,

that they be given the wisdom to plan towards a better future.

We pray for justice because here, too, the rich dominate

while justice is denied to the poor.

Lord, we pray for the leaders of your churches,

give them courage to bear with the poor, and the ignorant,

but also with those educated, who in their hypocrisies scorn your people.

Grant, O Lord, peace in all the world

and an end to war which only destroys and kills.

May the strength of the Holy Spirit dwell in our hearts.

May we live under your refuge and protection.

Bless our families.

Give us your happiness.

Thank you, Lord, for turning your ears towards our requests.

Give us the humility to accept your will.

In your hands we place our future and our livelihood.

Thank you, Lord, for giving us much more than we deserve,

especially for giving us the happiness

of having access to your word.

Receive our adoration and our prayers.

Thank you, Lord, for answering us.

Victor M. Ascanio Huaringa, Peru

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Contact me at: melaku@comboniyouth.org

Father Melaku Tafesse Amente