We believe you

We believe you are the God of the poor
and that poverty includes being hungry, unemployed and orphaned,
living on a pension or grant,
meagre earnings for arduous and hazardous work,
ill health, anxiety and stress and the absence of power,
worsened for women by unequal gender relations.

Loving God,
we hold up to you all those living in poverty.

We believe that God wants all people to live a dignified life
and engage in meaningful work,
that workers should receive fair wages,
and that those who possess more resources and skills
must share them in neighbourly love with those who have less.

Loving God,
open our eyes to the deep needs of those who are poor.

We believe that the challenge of fighting poverty
does not lie solely with governments,
but that faith-based organisations are ideally positioned to address it,
with their human and financial resources.

Loving God,
challenge us to see ways in which we can work against poverty.

We renew our commitment to be in solidarity with the poor
and to work against any form of injustice.
We commit ourselves to put our faith into action
and to demonstrate our faith in practical ways,
so that together we can overcome the scourge of poverty.

Loving God,
in your mercy, hear our prayer and strengthen us in our commitment

(Based on extracts from statements on poverty by Diakonia’s member churches. Durban, South Africa.)

WHY Not? This can be for you

Any Questions? Keep in touch!

Contact me at: melaku@comboniyouth.org

Father Melaku Tafesse Amente